In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play a really slow blues solo that has a little bit of a rock flavor. This solo also contains some elements from Warren Haynes and Billy Gibbons solo styles. This lesson is in the key of G.
Full lesson, Interactive Tab, Guitar Pro, and Backing Track
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What is a I.R. ? And What is a two notes captor ? Do you still use a attenuator for your Vibrolux ? I sure am glad you went back to using that amp, you just can’t beat the tone from it, it sounds fantastic. Gregg Allman had one he played through at his house when he did an interview with Dan Rather. I wish I could have kept my hand wired Deluxe II from 1983. I have a hand wired Princeton from 1980 with a Celestion 10 inch gold speaker that I had Mike from Komet amps go through and it sounds fantastic, living in a townhouse I can only turn up to around 3 max. I sure do love your work, you get closer to The Allman Brothers tone than anyone else on the internet. Thank you.
Thanks! I use a variety of amps now. When using the Two Notes Captor I can switch between any amp without having to mic it up in seconds. Really digging this Tweed Twin lately. You can read more about the Two Notes here. Basically it’s a load box for getting your amp into the computer silently. There is no sound coming out of the amp when I play. It comes out of my studio monitors. The IR is an impulse response in wav file format that is like a digital representation of the speaker and cabinet I am using. In this case the Vibrolux. You can also purchase these from different companies as well which I use too.