In this lesson I want to show you how to play a Peter Green and Duane Allman influenced 8 bar blues solo. This lesson is in the key of G.
Full lesson, Interactive Tab, Guitar Pro, and Backing Track
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Thank you John,
This is amazing , Love it ! Relaxing , I’m loving these courses mate.
From the Aussie.
Thanks so much!
hello John .
petit bonjour de Paris ….!!!!
et j’en profite pour dire que j’adore ce morceaux et que je suis entrain de le travailler a fond !!! ,sur ma superbe les Paul traditional de 2009 que j’ai acheté suite a ton blog ou tu parle de l’achat récent de cette gratte .tu as fait un émule(un compagnon de route )).
cela fait 5 mois que je me suis abonné a ton super site et j’espère qu’après mon opération de l’index très prochainement (je vais avoir un doigt” bionique” )HA hA ha !!!!!.donc après cette intervention plus d’excuse pour devenir meilleurs .
Merci pour tout et peut être qu’un jour tu pourrais faire un master classe en France ???
Pearls! Don’t just believe John’s talking over each lick for his health or because he may like the sound of his voice…………Listen to him!! John offers up great pearls of wisdom and great advice on all his lessons but some of these Podcasts and once again in particular this one covering a great slow blues solo (and rhythm) in the key of G…….really hits so many marks!! I no longer rely on effects pedals or guesswork but instead follow John’s principles and fretboard lessons plus bending techniques and vibrato…..this cool slow blues solo is no exception………..let all of John’s pearls sink in………..they’ll carry you far on your guitar journey!! Jim C.
John, fantastic lesson. I really dig the Peter Green era of Fleetwood Mac. Are you going to do more lessons about Peter Green? Or maybe Danny Kirwan? His vibrato is amazing.
In a short time i’ve learnt a lot. Thanks and keep up the good work.