Trucks Style Solo Podcast 54

January 8, 2019 /

In this lesson, I want to show you how to play a Derek Trucks style 12 bar blues solo. This lesson is in the key of E and uses the major scale.

Full lesson, Interactive Tab, Guitar Pro, and Backing Track

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9 thoughts on “Trucks Style Solo Podcast 54”

  1. Hey John. Long time no speak. I’m in a new band with less slide work. So I haven’t checked in for a while.

    As usual, your playing is so beautiful. You are a genius. You can teach your licks and tricks, but you can’t teach the brlliance in the beautiful melodies and riffs you create.

  2. That intro is pretty sounding, it is so smooth and tasteful, it really draws a listener in to where you can feel it down in your soul. Great lesson. Do you favor the Cobalt over your other slides ?

  3. This is my favourite lesson. Pretty much what I said when you put up licks 1&2 on YouTube.

    Gives you all kinds of other melodic avenues to go down.

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