In this course, you’ll learn how to play a slow blues rhythm and lead in the key of E using the concepts and techniques used in the Blues Guitar Method and Rhythm Courses. Running time: 85 minutes
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Category: Supplements
Skill Level: Intermediate
In this course, you’ll learn how to play a slow blues rhythm and lead in the key of E using the concepts and techniques used in the Blues Guitar Method and Rhythm Courses.
Lesson Index
Intro and Tone
Lesson 1 – The Rhythm Guitar
Lesson 2 – The Lead Guitar
When you join the All Access Pass you’ll gain immediate access to the following.
- Full Streaming 4k Video Lesson – 85 minutes
- AB Looping, Slow Mo, and Video Zoom Player
- Interactive Soundslice Tab Player
- Downloadable Backing Tracks
- Printable PDF Tabs