Play Like Duane Allman – Slide

In this course you’ll learn the essentials to playing the Duane Allman slide guitar style in Open E Tuning. Slide Guitar Method 1 Open E is recommended before going through this course.

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In this Course I want to show you what I have learned about playing slide guitar in Open E Tuning like Duane Allman. His style has always been my favorite when I started trying to learn about slide nearly 30 years ago. Throughout the years I’ve learned a lot about his playing style and after lots of trial and error I think I have learned a few things about what makes his slide style so special.

There are so many guitar players out there these days that to stand out you really have to be a little different. There are SRV, Clapton, and BB King clones everywhere you turn. If you play Duane Allman slide guitar though you will simply have many more options to play with others as there are not nearly as many who are playing this style.

You’ll stand out in jam sessions as you will most likely be the only slide player and you’ll have a better chance at joining a band as well. I know I did. When I started playing slide out lots of people would call me up and ask me to play live with them.

In addition to adding slide guitar as a new technique in your arsenal, your regular guitar playing will become much better. Since you have can’t fly up and down a scale, everything you play on slide has to be melodic which in turn will make your phrasing when playing standard guitar better as well.

So if you’re looking to broaden you’re skills, learning slide guitar will simply give you a better chance of making music with lots more people. Make a commitment today to start something new in 2018 and if you go through the lessons and practice, I can guarantee you that one year from now you will be a totally different guitar player.


  • Running Time – 2 Hours and 40 minutes of video
  • 56 Bars of Solos
  • 19 Pages of PDF Tabs
  • 3 Backing Tracks

Lesson Index

Lesson 1 About Open E Tuning, Tone
Lesson 2 Open E Positions
Lesson 3 Mannerisms

The Whip
The Fall Down
Repeated licks
Backwards Slide
The In Between

Lesson 4 Five Exercises
Lesson 5 Done Somebody Wrong Style Intro and Solo
Lesson 6 Statesboro Blues Style Solo

* The Solos taught in the Course are my own creation and not note for note from the albums.

The Solos You Will Learn

Gibson Recommended

In 2008 Gibson recognized me as an expert for teaching the Duane Allman slide guitar style. 10 years later I think I have learned quite a deal more about his playing since then and that’s the info I have put into this course.


  1. atfts

    Excellent! The amount of detail and effort that John has put in this course is astonishing. This is the only Duane Allman course that will teach you those little nuances and mannerisms (f.ex how to play correctly Duane´s “fall downs” and “whips” ala Statesboro Blues) that made his playing so unique.

    Definitely a must for anyone interested in Open E slide playing and Duane´s in particular.

    Great job!

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