Open G Tuning Slide pt 1

Learn slide guitar and more in Open G Tuning like Ry Cooder, Robert Johnson, Lowell George and others in this premium course. Open up new possibilities with your guitar playing by learning a new tuning. Running time is 6 hours.

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In my open g tuning course, I want to eliminate the frustrations so many guitar players can’t seem to overcome when learning how to play slide guitar. These include muting, scales, chords, technique, improvising and a slew of other concepts to get you playing some soul inspired slide guitar. You can do this and in this course, I’ll show you exactly how.

All DVDs have been Discontinued. This Course is available in the All Access Pass.

This Course Includes

6 Hours of Video
34 Pages of Tabs
11 Backing Tracks
3 Fretboard Maps

I’ve divided this course into 4 parts that build upon each other.

Part 1 is about learning techniques such as muting, raking, holding the slide, playing chords, Keith Richards style, and just a general approach of how to start learning open g tuning. You’ll also be provided with many exercises to build your technique.

In Part 2 you will learn Concepts such as Intervals, Dobro playing, Patterns for Soloing, Using a Capo, and scales. This Disc will teach you the Why about how open g tuning works.

In Part 3 you will learn Solos and Licks. This is taking everything you’ve learned in the first two discs and applying it. Sort of like the final exam so you can see how you’re coming along.

In Part 4 you will learn some more licks, a lesson about tone, and how to improvise using the techniques learned in this course.


  1. Chris

    I like the open G slide course just as much as the open E one that I ordered awhile back. Learning the Robert Johnson style chords in the Dobro and Blues Solo sections has really opened things up for me. I’ve been playing slide for about 20 years now and am very familiar with many of the licks using the slide.

    But now that I am mixing in fingered chords to go with that, I am able to consistently get through a whole progression including a turnaround without getting stuck. It was great to finally have somebody show me where to put my fingers to find the chords I always knew were missing.

  2. Des

    Course is great, I had only just brought cheap dobro so I set it up, tuned to open g and away. As always spare time is my biggest problem, I am noticing that listening to music, I am now picking songs in open G tuning that I wouldn’t have before the course. Of course practice makes perfect. Thanks mate.

  3. Ed

    I purchased your Key of G Open Tuning Slide DVDs. I enjoy the set and in a very short time my slide playing has advanced from complete novice, clumsy, couldn’t get a note out, to playing scales, some elementary jamming and figuring out licks — and I’m only on the second of three disks!

  4. Bruce in Langdon NH

    I have just started this course and so far it is more than I expected. I am still working on the techniques. My playing has already improved. I cant wait until I finish this course. it is more fun to play now.

  5. Jason in Cresson, TX United States

    I purchased this course hoping to receive an all encompassing crash course on getting into playing in open G tuning.

    I’ve found a great deal of the information useful to a point, but the course sticks to what sounds good on a dirty electric.

    While I enjoy playing the licks and practicing the concepts on electric I wish there had been some more cross over for acoustic and resophonic guitars where you don’t have the sustain from gain boost and reverb to help push things along. Also the course focuses on the instrument in the mind of soloing with little thought on what to do the other 80% of the time.

    I would have liked to see more in depth study on keeping the bass and chord structure going while using the slide to produce a melody.

    I probably should have done a little more research on my part but I’m still very happy with my purchase.

  6. jimbrady77comcast-net

    I bought this course about a seven months ago and have just now worked through all the lessons (there is a lot of information on these disks). John’s explanations are excellent as well as his ability to break the ideas down into just-the-right-sized chunks to allow for optimum absorption of the information. The value for the money is excellent and I’ve already bought his recent Duane Allman “Not My Cross to Bear” style solo and can’t wait to get into that. John’s phrasing and tone are great and clearly there are lessons to be found there as well. I have a butterscotch Tele that I keep in Open G but I’ve gone through the vast majority of these lessons acoustically on a cheap Chinese Resonator and must respectfully disagree with an earlier review that the licks are only good for the overdriven electric; they also sound good on the acoustic too. The acoustic is less forgiving and requires a lot more reps but I find that helpful in ultimately making the riffs sing on the electric. Suffice it to say, I’ve probably used John’s “Transition” riff thousands of times on my acoustic playing – its killer either way you go. Great work John! Keep it up!

  7. Ed Hannas

    Hi John I am really enjoying my course especially Disc 2 on Dobro. I have a resonator Regal guitar.
    p.s. I’m 77 years old, but still trying to strum along.

  8. Christopher Rich

    VERY very good stuff. Well thought out, well presented. Thorough. Good info on major and minor feels for slide. Good shortcuts and licks, and very good drills to get your chops together. Really thought this was a good purchase.

  9. grantidaho

    I recently purchased the open g slide course. I am very happy with it. The instruction and exercises on how to dampen and isolate single notes and strings is great. It seems all slide books tell you that string dampening is very important, bu these lessons actually show you how to do it. I down loaded the files onto my android tablet. At first they did not work. I needed to connect my tablet to my computer and simply change the name of the files from .bin to “.apk “. Then my tablet was able to unpack them with Androzip. These lessons have given me what I needed to move forward. Considering the costs of local lessons, these are a good deal.

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