E Unaccompanied 8 Bar

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In this course you’ll learn how to play an unaccompanied 8 bar blues solo played in the key of E.

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Learning how to play unaccompanied pieces is a great way to be able to play something for other people when presented with the opportunity.

Think about it.

How many times has your wife, friend, or family member asked you to play something for them? Especially if you’ve ever mentioned that you have been learning things to play online. A lot of times just playing SRV, or Hendrix licks doesn’t really sound that great unless you put in some rhythm and chords. Sure you can play some songs that are strummed but how about something that is bluesy that contains a mixture of chords and lead.

Well, that’s what learning this piece is all about. In this course, you’ll learn how to play an eight-bar blues solo in the key of E that combines rhythm, chords, and lead lines. An eight-bar blues also contains more chords than just your standard 12 bar so you’ll have a chance to show off your skills even more.

What’s Included

  • Running Time – 90 minutes of video
  • 6 Pages of PDF Tabs

The Solo You Will Learn