Blues Guitar Method 2

Learn the “How” and “Why” of which notes sound great over each chord when improvising over a 12 Bar Blues Progression. Running time – 2.5 hrs

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Learn how to play to each chord in the 12 Bar Blues. By learning what notes sound good over each chord in the 12 Bar Blues, you will become a more melodic and professional sounding blues guitarist.

Eliminate the guesswork from your blues playing and start implementing my proven techniques for mastering the fretboard when improvising blues guitar.

This Course includes

2.5 Hour Video
33 pages of Tabs
30 Fretboard Maps
2 Backing Tracks

Lesson Index

Lesson 1 – Chord Tones
Lesson 2 – Patterns for Solos
Lesson 3 – The 5 Boxes
Lesson 4 – Improvising
Lesson 5 – 10 Blues Licks
Lesson 6 – What to Play Over a Minor 12 Bar Blues


  1. Andrew

    Your teaching style is easy to learn and simple to follow. Part 2 complements Blues Guitar Method Part 1 quite well. Now I have a complete set. Great job in delivering value.

  2. Bryan Kail

    I wasn’t able to get through watching the rest of the course because I got sidetracked and couldn’t resist picking up my guitar and noodling around with the F and 9th chord patterns. It’s really clicking in mind’s eye, so I just had to start trying it out.

    I am so thrilled to finally learn these chord shapes with real meaning, context and practical usage patterns—instead of just simply memorizing them and ultimately forgetting them like in years past.

    I’ve been taught some of this before (but nowhere near all of it), but without the right context and understanding it doesn’t click, so it just falls out of memory. When I really learn it with your help, it really sinks in and is harder to forget!”

  3. Marcel in the Netherlands

    John W Tuggle has done it again with Blues Guitar Method 2.

    I have been a huge fan of the Learning Guitar Now lessons ever since I discovered the site a couple years ago.

    The original Blues Guitar Method course has provided the foundation for my blues guitar playing with tons of theory, techniques and awesome licks.
    John took a bold decision last year in discontinuing my beloved course (glad I still have the downloads!) and starting from scratch with the (New) Blues Guitar Method.

    With improved video and audio, new teaching concepts and awesome licks (and a lovely new Custom Shop Strat) he totally revamped the course and made it so much better.

    I can recommend it to anyone who has a basic understanding of guitar playing and wants to master blues guitar.

    And now there is Blues Guitar Method 2 which I was allowed to preview before it’s release and man does it come packed with new material.
    For everyone who wants to further improve on his/her blues guitar playing, expanding on the building blocks of Blues Guitar Method 1 or just gain new insights and concepts this is it!

    Subtitled Playing to the chord this teaches exactly why professional blues guitar players sound so much better than most of us and especially those who tend to get stuck in the pentatonic scales.

    With in depth info on adding chord notes, 6th intervals, the proper use of target notes and tips on improvising you’ll start creating your own new and improved licks in no time.

    A personal favorite are the 5 boxes which gives great insight in the techniques of players like Eric Clapton, BB and Albert King and Dicky Betts.

    Transferring these boxes to any key alone will give a tremendous amount of new places to go on the fretboard while soloing.
    And the 10 licks at the end are simply a huge bonus in which John puts all theory in practice while mixing the various concepts.

    As always full tabs and backing tracks are provided and man do I love Instant Access making these lessons available on any device anywhere!

  4. Kamil

    Btw, another great product from you. I can only describe that your DVD contains some of the most important materials you could get on-line. Believe me, I have quite a bit. Congratulations John.

  5. Thomas J Lacey

    I have been working on the patterns and applying them to backing tracks with good success. As with anything, replication is the key to fully understand these patterns. This is a good lesson for those that what to expand their learning the blues. I would highly recommend this lesson.

  6. Matt Valbusa in San Francisco

    I’m half way into this course. I really like the format it has.

    Taking weekly guitar lessons (for years) and having a life on top of that- this focused topic fits in perfectly with my schedule and available time. REALLY REALLY great topics right from the start.

    There is a lot of information packed into this streamline course. To get it down solidly takes time- It’s not overwhelming by any means. It just takes time and desire!

  7. Bob in Burlington, ONT, Canada

    As always, a winner in any circle. John just keeps putting out learning materials that supply the user with a wealth of valuable information. I also like the new videos and the added camera work that really add to the experience. Thanks John and keep up the great work.

  8. Danny in Harrisburg, PA

    I’ve been playing blues guitar for many years…There is plenty of info in this lesson even for a veteran player..The lesson is too the point and easy to follow…The concepts taught here will help to improve player’s at all skill levels…I’ve bought some of John’s other lessons which are also very helpful…Thanks John..

  9. John in Coventry. UK

    Great Blues Lessons

    Hi John,

    I have found this series of lessons very useful for getting me out of the various pentatonic lick ruts. I have been playing guitar for ages, but mainly undisciplined rock style. I decided last year to learn to play blues properly and try to understand what exactly I am doing and what works.

    These lessons are helping me get to grips with important concepts such as chord tone and intervals. I have actually been using the F run for years without realizing why it works.

    What I really love about your lessons is the emphasis on the”Less is More” concept. This is how I like to play and how a guitar heir of mine, Peter Green approached the blues.

    I am now looking to get your BB king style lessons; who is another influence in my playing.

    Great stuff John, keep it up.

    John. UK

  10. Chuck in Tucker Ga


    This course has helped me with the concept of changing/modifying scales with a 12 bar blues progression to create a more melodic sound, rather than hanging specifically in the key scale.

    Also, your approach with the 5 boxes, really opens up the fretboard. I am currently half way through with the course, and have enjoyed every minute.

    Thanks again – Chuck

  11. Bill in Lexington NC

    Another great course from a very capable musician and instructor…I hope to get all of John’s courses over time…

  12. Jose in Germany

    Best lesson for me

    I was looking for a lesson to come out of my boring pentatonic licks that I’ve played for years.

    Looking for the secret to hear the soloing over the chord changes, this is the lesson that changed my playing.

    In 2-3 weeks I’m a 100% better player. My soloing is now interesting and I´m seeing the fretboard in a completely different way. It’s the best investment I’ve made in years. Thanks John

  13. glenn-hazelhurst1

    Very useful DVD to work on your blues techniques. Well explained with working examples. Just the thing to jam along too with added info regarding target notes. Still working on the theory info but very interesting and informative.

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