Blues Guitar Method 1

This course will teach you “What” you can play over a 12 bar blues. Learn how to start playing and improvising over a slow 12 bar blues by using intervals, scales, and your ear.

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Unsure of what notes sound great over each chord in the 12 bar blues? Or does improvising a solo over a 12 bar blues seem impossible? It doesn’t have to be if you learn to look at the fretboard differently. There are certain things you can learn that will make navigating the fretboard much easier.

In this course you’ll learn exactly how to play slow blues guitar lead in an improvisational style by learning “How” to use the Minor Pentatonic Scales, Major Pentatonic Scales, Blues Scales and “Which” notes sound great when using these scales to improvise over a 12 Bar Slow Blues.

Lesson Index

Lesson 1 – The Major Scale and Intervals
Lesson 2 – Raking and Bend Vibrato – NEW Updated Lesson added 2024
Lesson 3 – Major Pentatonic Scales
Lesson 4 – The Blues Scale
Lesson 5 – Visualizing the Fretboard
Lesson 6- Improvising over a 12 bar slow blues
– The Major Minor Weave
– Active Listening
– Singing your Licks
– Using Space
– Call and Response
– Telling a Story
Lesson 7 Blues Extras


2 Hours of Video
25 Pages of PDF Tabs
20 Fretboard Maps
2 Backing Tracks


  1. Kamil

    Hi John, I have to congratulate you for yet another terrific DVD. As usual, I get a lesson that is insightful, informative and things to learn. The lesson on Improvisation alone is worth the price.

    Hopefully there will be an expansion of that Improvisation lesson in the future. Good stuff! And make sure the backing track to the improvisation is included in the DVD.

    Thanks, Kamil

  2. Bryan K

    In these lessons John teaches how to play the blues instead of just what to play. I am truly amazed by the amount of valuable information packed into these lessons. I have studied scales before, but never with such context.

    Whether you’ve never learned scales before or you have learned some scales and are wondering, ‘now what?’, this material will help you break through that barrier! John does an excellent job of dissecting scales into important and easy to remember patterns that help you really understand how to play.

    We all know blues is about playing with feeling, and John’s lessons unlock a code that allows you to focus on feeling instead of memorization. You will enjoy countless hours of improvisation, and I am not just talking about playing those old familiar box patterns. You will be able to escape the box (literally and figuratively) and create your own melodies and licks that really sound good!

    After studying this material, my improvisational sessions will never be the same! – Bryan K

  3. Andrew

    John, The new and updated Blues product is absolutely fantastic. Wow! I have already picked up some new blues licks and learned more about intervals. I love your blues teaching method the best. Unlike others, your teaching style is clear, simple, and easy to learn. Being a visual learner, I love the colorful numbers on the fret board maps. It guides me as I play better and master the fingering positions faster.

    Also, I get so much value in buying your products. You spend time explaining the concepts in detail so well …then you demonstrate them so that even a beginner can understand it. – Andrew

  4. Martin Bisset in the UK

    Another great lesson from John!

    I’m really enjoying this course. I’ve been playing for a few years and know a few scales but my solo improv always sounds the same and a bit random.

    This course is helping me learn what notes to focus on to sound decent over each chord. Cheers!

  5. Robert Canane in Loxahatchee, Florida

    John’s Lessons are the best I’ve ever had. I stopped playing professionally 27 years ago…wife, kids and all but I never could lose the thought of playing guitar. John’s lessons show you the magic of playing blues guitar. Really excellent work, I’m back to where I left off and much, much better. Thank you for the gift of unlocking music.

  6. Chuck in Augusta, Maine, USA

    Excellent Basic Course.

  7. Robert Ogden in Melbourne Australia

    Thank you John great course. The first one that I have purchased ever. Your talking to an old drummer of 66 years young, loving the blues this course will better my playing no end.

    Working on the solo and getting the first couple of licks down. My son also plays and loves it .

  8. Tom in Ohio

    hey john really like the dvd lesson,adds a new dimension to soloing and understanding why and where to solo thanks.

  9. Barry Croucher in Suffolk, UK

    Excellent course

    Great quality and clear instruction. I’m sure with some serious study on my part this course will help me greatly improve my blues guitar playing.

  10. NYC LP Player in United States

    Fills in The Gaps

    We all have access to youtube, charts, etc but these lesson are a nice way to fill in the gaps. Much better than tabs and gradually grinding out solos.

  11. Gary Quellet in Georgia

    John, I wrote you an email last month on putting together a YouTube Video. Timing over 12 bar blues and what notes to play over the 12 bar blues. NEVER MIND!! 🙂

    I received your Blues Guitar Method this weekend in the mail. It was like you made this course for my lack of understanding about the fretboard.

    Lesson 5, Visualizing the Fretboard, made perfect sense and opened me up to a different way of looking at the fretboard (WOW).

    Lesson 6 Improvising, gave me the understanding of chord changes and what notes belong with what chords. Timing will come with time and a good looper.

    I just want to say Thank you and I do look forward to your Warren Hayes and Eric Clapton videos next but one thing at a time. Your course has taken me to a much clearer approach to the Blues.

    Gary Quellet

  12. Marcus in Denmark

    Hands down the best lesson I have found. It gave me what I needed: An easy approach to learning the important notes and phrasing when playing over blues progressions. Great exercises to combine the different boxes in both minor and major pentatonic.

    And John is a great teacher imho. These lessons are the best to get the basics of blues. And I have tried, Marty, Steviesnacks, Justin etc.

    I can highly recommend. Worth the money and time. Now all I need is more time to practice.

  13. Paolo Salvati in Roma Italy

    Hi John,

    Thanks a lot for these lessons! All is clear, accurate and easy to understand. Everything is taught in depth. I follow your tips, and improve day by day!

    Sure I’m going to follow you on your new course when i think I’ve learned enough from this!



  14. Laurence M. Schwarz

    John’s approach to teaching is outstanding. It’s like he’s sitting right in front of you. You couldn’t get better instruction unless he was. He’s also super diligent about responding to e-mail as well. There’s nothing I like better than working with people like him. A real solid, top-notch guy.

  15. Shelby

    I first encountered John through one of his video’s on YouTube. I really enjoyed the lesson, and gained some solid information from it, so I decided to check out his web site. As I started checking out the site I was immediately impressed by not only the amount of quality content and the variety of lessons on the site, but also the style and manner in which John teaches. I especially enjoy the interactive feature for lessons. I’ve been working on Blues Guitar Method 1 for a few weeks and the lessons on Visualization and Improvising are totally changing the way I view and navigate the fretboard. If you’re serious about playing, and really looking to improve your Blues and slide playing, this site is the place to be.

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