Beginner Slow Blues Lead

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In this course you’ll learn the concepts and techniques used for playing soulful slow blues lead guitar. How to find notes all over the fretboard, the 12 bar blues, minor pentatonic scales, bending, vibrato, slides, rhythm, and more are covered.

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In this course, you will learn the concepts and techniques for playing soulful slow blues lead guitar. How to find notes all over the fretboard, playing the 12 bar blues, minor pentatonic scales, blues nuances, and more are covered. This course is not for someone who has never played guitar before but for the student who has maybe 6 months to a year of playing behind them.

To take this course you will need to be able to play and strum some open chords, play a simple major barre chord, and be able to play the first position minor pentatonic scale.

2023 Update – 90 Minutes of New Lessons Recently Added

  • The Picking Hand – How to use your Picking hand for more accuracy, control, and power.
  • The Fretting Hand – How to position your hand, fingers, and thumb to maximize accuracy, tone, and power.
  • Muting – How to stop all of those unwanted strings from ringing out when you’re trying to play solos.
  • Vibrato – How to get more power for that SRV and Hendrix sound without killing your wrists and fingers.

If you learn how to incorporate these techniques into your playing you will have a much stronger technique for doing that SRV/Hendrix vibrato style, picking, strumming, or any type of playing really.

Playing in this way will also help if you struggle with any kind of pain in your arms, wrists, and fingers. I know this because I have had lots of issues in these areas for over a decade but now I have zero pain there. It’s been a miraculous discovery brought on by a nearly life-threatening event I had a year ago.


6 Hours of Video Lessons
Soundslice Interactive Tabs
Backing Tracks
Guitar Pro Files

Lesson Index

Lesson 1 – Strings and Picks, Picking Hand, Fretting Hand and Muting

Lesson 2 – Finding Notes on the Fretboard, The 12 Bar Blues

Lesson 3 – Understanding the difference in 4/4 and 12/8 and how to think about them both while in 12/8

Lesson 4 – Scales – Minor Pentatonic Scales and how to play them using different rhythms over a slow blues

Lesson 5 – Blues Nuances – Bending and Vibrato

Lesson 6 – Five Positions for playing lead in addition to using scales

Lesson 7 – 24 bar Slow Blues Solo in A

Lesson 8 – Five Licks

Lesson 9 – Rhythm Guitar Breakdown and Lesson

If you’re interested in learning how to play slow blues lead guitar, then this course will give you the tools you need to be able to do that. It will take some practice but if you put in the work you will see results.

The Solo You Will Learn