Play Like Albert Collins Style

In this lesson you will learn how to play a complete slow blues solo in the style of the great Albert Collins.

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Want to learn some Mr Frosty inspired slow blues licks?

In this solo I’ll show you my favorite licks from the Iceman in a solo that I created from some of his most legendary slow blues performances including Dying with the Flu and Dirty Dishes.

The Master of the Telecaster has always been one of my favorite blues guitarists of all time and I think the solo that I have created will give you an interesting look at how to approach his legendary staccato blues guitar style.

This lesson is taught using standard tuning. No Capo is required.

What’s Included

  • 75 Minute Quicktime Video
  • 7 Pages of PDF Tabs
  • 1 Backing Track


  1. Steve

    The Albert Collins Solo is Fantastic. Thank You for making it a lesson also. I like everything about it. Very helpful for me was the backing tracks for each lick. Albert Collins is one of my favorites. I like wacthing him play as much as hearing him. I think you nailed it. Very Grateful for the lesson. Have a Happy New Year John Thank You VERY VERY MUCH Steve

  2. bakerbpgmail-com

    Dude, you’re so good, it pisses me off. I honestly think Albert Collins would be watching this video for a lesson on his own licks.

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