Three Blues Solos

In this Lesson you will learn how to play 3 blues guitar solos in 3 different styles. Includes 10 pages of tabs and 3 backing tracks.

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Category: Skill Level:


In this course you will learn how to play three different style blues solos. By doing this you will see how to apply blues licks to different types of blues tunes.

Lesson Index

Lesson 1 A “Key to the Highway” style solo
Lesson 2 D “Someday After a While” style Solo
Lesson 3 C Shuffle Solo

This Course Includes

1 hour 33 minute video
10 pages of tab
3 backing tracks


  1. Tony Lukianowicz

    Great package. Well worth what is really a very low price. This package is shown under the advanced series but I do not consider myself to be an advanced blues guiatrist. I have gone through the first two lessons and they are “do-able” if you are willing to put some time into them. Third lesson will be more difficult. You have got to practice and build all of the licks into your muscle memory so that you can concentrate on your feeling, expression and technique. Buy it!

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