Blues Lead Path

Learn the concepts and techniques for playing slow blues lead guitar.

Beginner Slow Blues Lead

In this course we’ll learn the concepts and techniques used for playing soulful blues lead guitar. How to find notes all over the fretboard, playing the 12 bar blues, minor pentatonic scales, blues nuances, and more are covered.


Blues Guitar Method 1

This Course will train you to hear and see where scales and patterns are all over the fretboard. Say goodbye to only using this first position Minor Pentatonic scale. While it’s a great scale to use, you can’t solely depend on this one pattern.


Blues Guitar Method 2

You will learn which notes will sound great when improvising over each chord in the 12 bar blues. After completing this course you will have the knowledge that will give you many unique options of what you can play.


Blues Improvising

Lessons about different improvising concepts that you can apply to a 12 bar blues progression. Before taking this one, you should have gone through the Beginner Slow Blues Lead and Blues Guitar Method 1 Courses.


Supplements to the Core Path Courses

While you are working through the Core Path Courses above, it’s also a good idea to learn some solos and licks to see how the concepts and techniques work in a real playing situation.

Blues Method Supplement

Learn 10 Beginner/Intermediate licks and a solo to accompany the Blues Guitar Method 1 Course.

Beginner Blues Solos

In this course you’ll learn how to play a variety of beginner level blues solos in different keys and styles.

Slow Blues Supplement in A

In this Course you will learn how to play a Slow Blues Solo in the key of A that utilizes the concepts and techniques taught in the Path Core Courses.

Next Steps

Once you have worked through all of the Core courses, you will then be ready to learn any of the Blues Courses or Podcasts that are on the site. The next step in playing great blues guitar is learning different styles of blues rhythm, licks, and solos. One recommendation is to pick a course from the Play Like Series to start working on.

You could also learn some short solos from the Video Podcast category while you are working through the Blues Lead Path to give you something fun to practice while you are learning the concepts and techniques. Read more

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