How to Play Like Eric Clapton

May 10, 2010 /

3 thoughts on “How to Play Like Eric Clapton”

  1. Hey John
    I was wondering…earlier, this spring or last fall…You sent out an announcement that you had finally finished your Play Like Clapton set. I thought there was a section on the email where you talked about his set up and levels i.e. a tube screamer, chorus ect. Was this indeed the case or was I having a 60’s moment? And if it wasnt a 60’s moment, is there a video of that demonstration?
    Just in case I am full of it…sorry.
    I really enjoy everything you do and Clapton and Allman are 2 of my all time favorites as well!


  2. John, This was pretty darn good for a first video, My problem was you played the trills too fast for me, and others, over and over from muscle memory, instead of breaking them down more slowly like you do in the later videos.

    PLEASE could you take a minute to do over, or just add a slow, clear version of the trills to this lick , its so essential to Eric’s early style, and it would mean a lot, thanks, Vic

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