Blues Bending Technique

June 4, 2014 /

In this lesson, I want to show you a really interesting blues bending technique that I’ve been using a lot lately. You’ll hear SRV using this technique in the Sky is Crying. This lesson features the VL Effects Greentone pedal for the overdrive, a 1966 Fender Vibrolux, and a Weber Mini Mass attenuator.

3 thoughts on “Blues Bending Technique”

  1. Hi John
    Watching you and extracts from your dvds for years now and find them very useful.
    Are you never tempted to do some original stuff though, I mean , do you want to spend the rest of your life and career copying others ? Try it at least, eh ? Go on John, do an original………you can do it, you certainly have numerous techniques at this stage.

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