Open G Tuning Dobro Lesson

September 5, 2011 /

5 thoughts on “Open G Tuning Dobro Lesson”

  1. I am very excited for the open G course. The addition of chords in this course is what I am looking for. Thanks in advaced!

  2. Hello John,

    Possibly ironic? 🙂 but this lesson help me in standard tuning… simply grab a guitar, did not change tuning, did a E-style Bar on G, 3rd fret… and jumped from the treble E to the 7th, and etc. … funny how that works out. Well…, as long as it does.

    But, yes a different vibe from Dobro and Open tuning… yet, good to connect the dots so to speak to!

    Again, all the best, thank you.

  3. Hi John,
    Can you tell me which strings do you use with this Beard Goldtone ?
    Thanks a lot !
    Regards from France 🙂

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