Today’s lesson is an Albert King blues guitar lesson that will give you a new idea about how to approach the V chord when playing a 12 bar blues. This lesson is in the key of G. To learn more about playing and improvising blues guitar, please check out my Blues Guitar Method.
Full lesson, Interactive Tab, Guitar Pro, and Backing Track
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TAB would be really useful as always
Sorry. No tab for this free lesson.
Hey John,
Thanks for the cool lesson. I agree with the other comment in regards to adding tab. I realize free lessons are not what pays your bills, but have you ever considered small lessons like this one or even an entire slow, easy solo with backing track and tab for say $8.00 -$10.00 bucks. I’ll bet you would have a lot of sales this way. It could be download only. Anyway, something to consider.
Jeff Weber
p.s. Some of your online competitors do this and I think they sell well. I just bought one myself. Anyway, thanks again for the free lesson.
nice lesson john, thanks
Thanks a lot Pat!
Great lesson, John. I’ve had inklings of this type of thing in the past, but I couldn’t quite get it. This really helped put it into the forefront of my mind.
Thanks David. Yeah I had never come across this before.
does it seem like Albert and BB use the same similar box technique,I`m still new to learning guitar so figured Id ask
Yes but the way they play through them is completely different.
Just saw this lesson. Love the sound of it big Albert King fan. So really cool. Looking forward to learning it. Thanks!!!
I agree that tab is always nice to have (especially for us old geezers who have slowed considerably and no longer hear as well as the kiddies), but its absence in no way takes away from this great lesson. You are a great teacher John, thanks for sharing this. Pause and rewind are a geezer’s friends.