
Open E Tuning Slide 2

Open E Tuning Slide 2

In this course you will learn how to use the major scale to play slide guitar.

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Skill Level:

Play Like Duane Allman – Cross To Bear

Play Like Duane Allman – Cross To Bear

In this Course you’ll learn how to play a complete 3 minute solo in the style of Not My Cross To Bear by Duane Allman.


Skill Level:

Nineteen Blues Licks

Nineteen Blues Licks

In this course you will learn how to play 19 Blues licks over 4 different styles of blues guitar.


Skill Level:

Play Like Albert King Style Solo

Play Like Albert King Style Solo

In this Course you’ll learn how to play a complete 3 minute solo in the style of Blues Power and Laundromat Blues by Albert King.


Skill Level:

Chord Theory and Rhythm Guitar

Chord Theory and Rhythm Guitar

In this course you will learn the chords contained in the Major Scale, the triads chords come from, and the techniques used to play blues rhythm guitar.

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Skill Level: ,

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