Blues Supplement Shuffle
Learn a Blues Shuffle Solo and 11 licks to demonstrate the concepts taught in the Blues Guitar Method course but in a shuffle style.
Category: Supplements
Skill Level: Beginner

Blues Method Supplement
Learn 10 Beginner/Intermediate licks and a solo to accompany the Blues Guitar Method 1 Course.
Category: Supplements
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Blues Guitar Method 1
This course will teach you “What” you can play over a 12 bar blues. Learn how to start playing and improvising over a slow 12 bar blues by using intervals, scales, and your ear.
Category: Blues Lead Path
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Slide Method 1 Open E ( Old Version )
Learn the basics of playing slide guitar in Open E Tuning by learning techniques such as vibrato, muting, raking, and more.
Category: Vintage Series
Skill Level: Beginner

Standard Tuning Slide pt 1 (Old Version )
This course is geared to show you exactly how to play slide guitar in standard tuning.
Category: Vintage Series
Skill Level: Beginner

Chord Theory and Rhythm Guitar
In this course you will learn the chords contained in the Major Scale, the triads chords come from, and the techniques used to play blues rhythm guitar.
Category: Blues Rhythm Path, Rhythm Guitar
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Mini Blues Course
This short mini Course is one I created for beginner blues players. Some of the content contained in this course is taught in the other courses but in a simplified way.
Category: Vintage Series
Skill Level: Beginner

Beginner Guitar Ebook
The complete beginner guide to getting started with the Guitar. After teaching private lessons to thousands of beginners, this is what I have found Will work if YOU practice.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Vintage Series
Skill Level: Beginner, Complete Beginner