Vintage Series

Discontinued older lessons.

Slide Method 1 Open E ( Old Version )

Slide Method 1 Open E ( Old Version )

Learn the basics of playing slide guitar in Open E Tuning by learning techniques such as vibrato, muting, raking, and more.


Skill Level:

Standard Tuning Slide pt 1 (Old Version )

Standard Tuning Slide pt 1 (Old Version )

This course is geared to show you exactly how to play slide guitar in standard tuning.


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Nineteen Blues Licks

Nineteen Blues Licks

In this course you will learn how to play 19 Blues licks over 4 different styles of blues guitar.


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Mini Blues Course

Mini Blues Course

This short mini Course is one I created for beginner blues players. Some of the content contained in this course is taught in the other courses but in a simplified way.


Skill Level:

Beginner Guitar Ebook

Beginner Guitar Ebook

The complete beginner guide to getting started with the Guitar. After teaching private lessons to thousands of beginners, this is what I have found Will work if YOU practice.

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