
Solo pieces that you can play by yourself.

Slow Blues Supplement – Only Guitars

Slow Blues Supplement – Only Guitars

In this Course you will learn a Slow Blues Rhythm and Lead in the key of G using the concepts and techniques taught in my Blues Guitar Rhythm Pt 2, Blues Guitar Method 1, and Blues Guitar Method 2 Courses.

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E Unaccompanied 8 Bar

E Unaccompanied 8 Bar

In this course you'll learn how to play an unaccompanied 8 bar blues solo played in the key of E.

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Blues Acoustic Guitar Solo

Blues Acoustic Guitar Solo

In this course I want to show you how to play a complete acoustic blues guitar solo in the key of A that I wrote.

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E Unaccompanied Blues Solo

E Unaccompanied Blues Solo

In this course you'll learn how to play a full blues solo in E played with no accompaniment.

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