
Supplemental solos and licks using the concepts and techniques taught in the Path Courses.

Rockin’ Blues Solo and Rhythm

Rockin’ Blues Solo and Rhythm

Learn how to play a Rockin' Blues Solo as well as the rhythm played behind it.

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Skill Level:

Blues Supplement Shuffle

Blues Supplement Shuffle

Learn a Blues Shuffle Solo and 11 licks to demonstrate the concepts taught in the Blues Guitar Method course but in a shuffle style.


Skill Level:

Blues Method Solo and Licks

Blues Method Solo and Licks

In this course you'll be able to apply the concepts taught in the Blues Guitar Method part 1. The licks and solo in this course are at a more advanced level.


Skill Level:

Blues Method Supplement

Blues Method Supplement

Learn 10 Beginner/Intermediate licks and a solo to accompany the Blues Guitar Method 1 Course.


Skill Level: ,

Twenty Minor Blues Licks

Twenty Minor Blues Licks

In this course you will learn how to play 20 Minor Blues licks in the style of Tin Pan Alley, Blue Jean Blues, with a little Clapton and my own style thrown in.


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Twenty Roadhouse Licks

Twenty Roadhouse Licks

Learn how to play 20 Roadhouse licks in the style of SRV, Johnny Winter and more. Learn how to utilize raking, open strings, and different picking techniques to utilize the power of playing in the key of E.


Skill Level:

Shuffle the Blues

Shuffle the Blues

In this course you’ll learn how to successfully incorporate chords into a 12 bar blues guitar solo.

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Three Blues Solos

Three Blues Solos

In this course you will learn how to play 3 different style blues solos.


Skill Level:

Slow Blues Solo

Slow Blues Solo

In this lesson you will learn how to play a complete slow blues solo in the key of B.


Skill Level:

Minor Blues Solo

Minor Blues Solo

Learn a complete solo that is played over a minor blues 12 bar chord progression.


Skill Level:

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