Chord Embellishments
Learn how to add chord embellishments when playing blues guitar similar to what you might hear Hendrix, SRV, or John Mayer play.
Category: Blues Rhythm Path, Rhythm Guitar
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Rockin’ Blues Solo and Rhythm
Learn how to play a Rockin' Blues Solo as well as the rhythm played behind it.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Supplements
Skill Level: Intermediate

Blues Acoustic Guitar Solo
In this course I want to show you how to play a complete acoustic blues guitar solo in the key of A that I wrote.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Unaccompanied
Skill Level: Intermediate

E Unaccompanied Blues Solo
In this course you'll learn how to play a full blues solo in E played with no accompaniment.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Unaccompanied
Skill Level: Intermediate

Shuffle the Blues
In this course you’ll learn how to successfully incorporate chords into a 12 bar blues guitar solo.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Supplements
Skill Level: Advanced

Chord Theory and Rhythm Guitar
In this course you will learn the chords contained in the Major Scale, the triads chords come from, and the techniques used to play blues rhythm guitar.
Category: Blues Rhythm Path, Rhythm Guitar
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Beginner Guitar Ebook
The complete beginner guide to getting started with the Guitar. After teaching private lessons to thousands of beginners, this is what I have found Will work if YOU practice.
Category: Rhythm Guitar, Vintage Series
Skill Level: Beginner, Complete Beginner