Open G Slide

Learn how to play slide in Open G Tuning.

Slide Techniques

Slide Techniques

In this course, you'll learn the basics of playing slide guitar for any tuning. Topics that will be covered include getting started with slide guitar, action, strings, muting, raking, vibrato, and more.

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Open G Tuning Slide Pt 4

Open G Tuning Slide Pt 4

In Part 4 you will learn some more licks, a lesson about tone, and how to improvise using the techniques learned in this course.

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Open G Tuning Slide pt 3

Open G Tuning Slide pt 3

In Part 3 you will learn Solos and Licks. This is taking everything you’ve learned in the first two discs and applying it.

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Open G Tuning Slide pt  2

Open G Tuning Slide pt 2

In Part 2 you will learn Concepts such as Intervals, Dobro playing, Patterns for Soloing, Using a Capo, and scales.

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Open G Tuning Slide Pt 1

Open G Tuning Slide Pt 1

Part 1 is about learning techniques such as muting, raking, holding the slide, playing chords, and just a general approach of how to start learning open g tuning.

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